Occupancy Tax

Occupancy Tax


  • Please fill out the attached “Certificate of Registration” form. This must be completed and submitted by January 1, 2024.
  • January 1, 2024 – Please submit your completed “Certificate of Registration” form to Julie Stenger, Skaneateles Town Clerk, at the Town of Skaneateles Town Hall, 24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles, NY 13152.
  • Within 5 days after your registration, we will issue a “Certificate of Registration” that should be prominently displayed so it can be seen by all occupants and people seeing occupancy.
    • Each location will receive a duplicate of the “Certificate of Registration” which identifies the hotel/business to which it applies.
    • In the event the business chooses to close, the certificate shall be surrendered to the Town Clerk.


  • “Return of Tax on Occupancy ” should be returned to the Town Clerk . The due dates can be found on the top of the form.
  • Payment should be made to the Town Clerk at the time of the filing of the return.


1st    Quarter (Jan. 1-Mar. 31) due on or before April 20th

2nd  Quarter (Apr. 1-Jun. 30) due on or before July 20th

3rd Quarter (Jul. 1- Sep. 30) due on or before October 20th

4th Quarter (Oct. 1-Dec. 31) due on or before January 20th


Town of Skaneateles Local Law 6 of 2023 "Local Law Relating to the Implementation and Assessment of an Occupancy Tax in the Town of Skaneateles"

Town of Skaneateles Registration Form

Town of Skaneateles Occupancy Tax Reporting Form