Town Clerk

Town Clerk

Welcome to the Town Clerk's Office "doorway to local government"

Julie A. Stenger, Town Clerk


Telephone: 315-685-3473
Fax: 315-685-5449

Town Hall
24 Jordan Street
Skaneateles, NY 13152

  • Public Relations
  • Recording Secretary
  • Records Management
  • Records Access Officer
  • Filing Officer
  • Licensing Officer
  • Administrator of the substance testing program for all CDL drivers and employees at the parks department.
  • HR Coordinator between the Town Board and Human Resource Consultants.
  • Passport Processing
  • Tax Collection
  • Occupancy Tax

The Skaneateles Town Clerk’s Office has been designated as a passport acceptance facility. To obtain your passport please contact our office at 685-3473 to find out what documentation you will need to apply for a passport. Additional information and forms can be obtained at the: US Department of State Passport Information Page

Julie A. Stenger, Town Clerk


Frequently Asked Questions

Business Hours

8:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Monday through Friday    

**July & August - Town Hall closes at 1:00 PM on Fridays


In Office Notary Services

The Town Clerk is a Notary licensed by the State of New York. Proper identification must be provided and the document must be signed in the presence of a Notary Public.



The Town Clerk is a collection point for the Town & County Property Tax bills  that are mailed to you by Onondaga County.  

Tax payments should be made by mail, online, or left in the secure drop box at the Municipal Building; receipts are provided for all submissions.  In person payments may be made from 
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. only on regular business days.

Residents may be eligible for various tax exemptions that reduce the taxes levied against your property – please see the Assessor's 
page for more information about tax exemptions.

Need a copy of a current tax bill or past receipt?  Click here

To pay your tax bill with a credit card visit the Onondaga County Website at

Town & County Taxes
Onondaga County mails out the Town & County property tax bills at the end of December and property owners have 30 days to pay without penalty. After 30 days penalties accrue on any outstanding balances as outlined on the bill.

Escrow Accounts
Many property owners have arranged for their taxes to be paid from their escrow account with their mortgage holder.  Indirect payments such as these do not exempt property owners from penalties and fees resulting from late or non-payment of property taxes. It is ultimately the responsibility of the property owner to ensure timely payment of all taxes.

Hunting/Fishing Licenses

Marriage Licenses  * Couples must be in the office before 3:00 p.m.  Monday - Friday

All persons who intend to be married in New York State must obtain a marriage license from a Town or City Clerk in New York State. The license is good anywhere in the state for a period of 60 days. Once the license is issued, there is a 24-hour waiting period before the couple can marry. A pre-marital blood test is no longer required.

  1. The couple must meet the following requirements in order to obtain a marriage license in the Town of Skaneateles:
  2. Be at least 16 years old (parental consent is required for all persons under the age of 18)
  3. The original or certified copy of the birth certificates
  4. Photo identifications, i.e., drivers licenses
  5. Divorce decrees of all previous marriages
  6. $40 application fee

The applicants must both be present to apply for the license and must bring their birth certificate, driver’s license or other photo identification, and if it pertains any and all divorce decrees. The marriage license requires basic information such as your mother's maiden name, the city or town where you were born, the Country where your parents were born, and the county where you live. It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete the information required for the marriage license.

Every person has the right to adopt any name by which he or she wishes to be known and one or both parties to a marriage may elect to change their surname by which he or she wishes to be known after the solemnization of the marriage. Designating your surname after you are married is optional, and neither the use of, nor the failure to use this option of selecting a new surname by means of this application, abrogates the right of each person to adopt a different name through usage at some future date.

Dog Licenses

Licensing of dogs is governed by Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law. The law requires that any person who harbors or keeps a dog, must obtain a dog license in the Town in which they live. A permanent ID tag is issued for the initial dog license. The tag is your dog's permanent identification number, and must be worn at all times.

The following are the requirements for obtaining a dog license in the Town of Skaneateles:
Dogs over the age of 4-months must be licensed. A certificate of rabies vaccination required. A spaying or neutering certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian or an affidavit by the owner (Form DL-33) also required. $7.50 fee for spayed or neutered dog/$2.50 fee for Senior Citizens or $20.50 fee for unspayed or unneutered dog/$15.50 fee for Senior Citizens.

Licenses are renewed yearly. Click here for our online License Renewal Program. The Town Clerk mails license renewal applications to all dog owners which are payable at the Town Clerk's Office. Please notify the Town Clerk if you change your address or if there is a change in the status of the dog.

Games of Chance

The Town of Skaneateles, has enacted a Games of Chance Local Law, which allows the conduct of Games of Chance by licensed bona fide religious or charitable organizations, educational or service organizations, or organizations of veterans or volunteer firemen, under the overall supervision of the NYS Racing and Wagering Board.

Games of Chance include raffles, bell jar tickets, and casino/carnival games using cards, dice and wheels. The organization must first make application for a Registration and Identification Number with the Racing and Wagering Board. If approved, the Town Clerk will be notified allowing the organization to apply for a Games of Chance License to conduct "Casino-Type" Games of Chance, or to sell Bell Jar or Raffle tickets. If the organization qualifies, the municipal clerk issues a license to the organization.

To obtain the necessary application forms visit the New York State Racing and Wagering Board website.

Handicap Parking Permits  

The NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law (NYS VTL) requires all cities, towns and villages in NYS to appoint an agent to issue permits to severely disabled individuals. In the Town of Skaneateles, the Town Clerk is the appointed agent. These permits allow holders to park legally in spaces reserved only for persons with disabilities. The permits must be issued in the name of the person with the disability to use when the disabled person drives or is a passenger in any vehicle that is not being used for commercial purposes.

Any NYS resident who qualifies as a severely disabled person is eligible for a statewide parking permit. The NYS VTL refers to NYS residents with permanent disabilities, not just drivers with disabilities. The permit offers an alternative to disabled drivers who do not want to display license plates with the wheelchair symbol. However, a parking permit can be issued to drivers who have the special wheelchair license plates, to use when driving or riding in another vehicle.

Although permits can be used to people who have a driver license and/or vehicle registration, they are also issued to children of any age, to the elderly, and to others who don't drive or own a vehicle. Parents or guardians may apply on behalf of a severely disabled person. However, in all cases, the permit must be issued in the name of the person with the disability.

Forms are available at the Town Clerk's Office or online at the "Information Library". The application must be completed and signed by applicant as well as by a Medical Doctor, who will indicate if the disability is temporary or permanent. After receiving the completed application, the Town Clerk can issue the Parking Permit. Residents must apply to the Clerk in the municipality in which they reside.                                              

Passports   *Applicants must be in before 3:00 Monday - Friday

**July & August Applicants must be in by 12 noon on Friday's only as the Town Hall is on summer hours.**

The Town Clerk's Office is an Acceptance Agent for the US Department of State.  See link above for document requirements and forms.

Upcoming Events...

Planning Board Meeting 6:30 pm

Tuesday , March 11, 2025 - 6:30 pm

Agenda Public Notice Hearing Notice

Town Board Meeting 6:30 pm

Monday , March 17, 2025

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting 7 pm

Tuesday , April 1, 2025 - 07:00 pm

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