
Austin Park Improvements Public Information Meeting January 27th at 6:00 pm - at Town Hall, 24 Jordan Street or on Zoom - meeting recording will be available on our website! Austin Park Information Meeting Information


Welcome to the Town of Skaneateles Highway Department

Tim Dobrovosky, Highway Superintendent       tdobrovosky@townofskaneateles.com

3624 Transportation Drive
Office phone 315-685-6718
Superintendent’s cell 315-952-2645  

Emergency:  911

email: tdobrovosky@townofskaneateles.com

USPS Mailing Address:
24 Jordan Street
Skaneateles. NY 13152

Highway Department

I hope this will supply some helpful information and also let you, the taxpayer, know how we could help you.

Our main goal is to supply good safe roads for our and people coming to visit our beautiful little town. This truly is a year round job. It could be snow with drifting snow or flooding or something as minor as simple pothole. We maintain the street signs for all town roads and the fire lane signs for both sides of the lake. I hope this information is helpful to you and if we can help, in any way, you can contact us at (315) 685-6718 or (315) 952-2645

We are Located on eastside of the Transportation Center at 3624 Transportation Dr. behind the Cedar House Lanes bowling alley.

To get to us enter the driveway between the Bowling Alley and the Kwik Fill gasoline station. Follow the driveway past the fuel isle and around the building. Our office is in the southeast corner of the building.

Tim Dobrovosky