Cemetery - Mottville and Shephard Settlement

Austin Park Improvements Public Information Meeting January 27th at 6:00 pm - at Town Hall, 24 Jordan Street or on Zoom - meeting recording will be available on our website! Austin Park Information Meeting Information

Cemetery - Mottville and Shephard Settlement

TownofSkan Emblem 3

Town of Skaneateles Cemeteries

Rules and Regulations

 All cemetery lots or plots are sold in accordance with the provisions set forth by

               resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Skaneateles, New York. Said lots

               or plots shall not be used for any purpose other than as a burial place for deceased

               human beings and appropriate gravestones and markers. 

  1.  ALL GLASS CONTAINERS AND DECORATIONS ARE PROHIBITED in the Town of Skaneateles cemeteries and shall be removed. Only recognized cemetery containers will be permitted. These generally include ceramic urns and vases or metal tripods or hangers. Also prohibited are tin cans, styrofoam, paper holders, plaster images, any unsightly materials or anything deemed dangerous to the public. 

           3.  No live plantings are allowed unless approved by the Town Board or Cemetery

                Superintendent. Containers or other objects placed  in front or in back of    

                the monument, or in such a way to prohibit maintenance will be subject to removal.


           4. The Town appointed Cemetery Superintendent shall have the following rights: 


                   A.  To remove all flowers, wreaths and other decorations as soon as they become  

               unsightly or dangerous and when cemetery closes for winter season,

              November 15th.

                   B.  To remove or relocate any object, without prior notice to the owner, that does not meet these rules and regulations.


            5.   All work in the Town of Skaneateles cemeteries shall be performed by or under the

                  direction of the Cemetery Superintendent.


                              Cemeteries are closed from November 15th to April 15th.

                  (Exceptions are at the discretion of the Cemetery Superintendent and Town Clerk.)                

                    All persons shall be allowed access to the Cemeteries during daylight hours,

                     observing the rules and regulations which are in effect and the proprietary

                     due the cemeteries. Persons are invited onto the property at their own risk.      

                     Any persons found damaging or committing malicious mischief, or disregarding    

                                the rules and regulations may be subject to prosecution                 

                                   (New York State Penal Law § 145.22  -  § 145.27).








Mottville & Shepard Settlement

Single Lot 3 1/3 ‘ x 10’                                                   Resident         $700.00

                                                                                         Non-Resident  $805.00

Note: One (1) regular burial or up to three cremation burials with id stone or marker


Mottville Cemetery Only

Special Cremation Area                                          Resident         $250.00

                                                                                 Non-Resident $300.00

Note: Up to two (2) cremation burials with I.D. flat stone or marker


Shepard Settlement Only

Burial Plots (6 lots) 20’x10’                                                  Resident         $2400.00 

                                                                                                Non-Resident  $2760.00

Pauper areas available


All internments must have a grave headstone or marker, No homemade headstones or markers will be allowed unless approved by Town.


Grave Opening & Burial – Mottville & Shepard Settlement

Adult Container in excess of five (5) feet                                  $700.00

Infant or stillborn container to three (3) feet                           $400.00

Cremation burial – remains and container                                 $300.00

Note: All regular burials require cement or metal vaults. Cremation Burials require Urn or Vault container.

Note:  Weekend burials additional $100.00

Note:  No burials on Holidays

Note:  Second cremation burial (same vault and time) opening & recording fee - $100.00

Cost of unearthing of burial will be quoted based on circumstances and requests.

Installation & Repairs – Mottville & Shepard Settlement


Large Gravestone    (larger than single grave lot)                         $ cost to be quoted

Medium-Large Gravestone (approx. 12”x32” max.)                      $ .75 per surface square inch

Small Flat Gravestone (six (6)inches crushed stone)                   $ .30 per surface square inch

Minimum charge for concrete foundation                                        $125.00


Corner Markers (4”x4”) - Ask Cemetery Superintendent for quote

General repairs and Cleaning - Ask Cemetery Superintendent for quote


          Cemeteries are closed from November 15th to April 15th. Exceptions are at the discretion of the Cemetery Superintendent and Town Clerk.

    All cemetery activities are regulated by the “Rules and Regulations” as approved by the Skaneateles Town Board.



For information contact: Skaneateles Town Clerk's Office

24 Jordan Street

Skaneateles, NY 13152


Cemetery Superintendent

Richard Eldredge